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Top 5 Favourite Podcasts

I discovered podcasts when we lived in Fort Nelson, B.C., where the nearest city was a four-hour drive south, and the drive from Vancouver took 20 hours. When I was in Massage Therapy school, they made my 40-minute commute bearable. Now I listen to podcasts on the treadmill, and even on just a 10-minute commute to and from work. Here are my very favourites:

All-Time Forever #1: The Jillian Michaels Show If you only know Jillian Michaels from The Biggest Loser, you don’t know Jillian Michaels. Jillian’s podcast is entertaining, funny and informative. And, of course, her Vancouver producer, Janice Ungaro, is the best part. Jillian is an amazing coach and her knowledge based in fitness and nutrition is strong. She often has experts on the show, including endocrinologist Dr. Van Herle and Jillian’s own mother, a psychotherapist. The listener call-ins are my favourite part, and often make me shed a tear.

#2: Earn Your Happy: I knew Lori Harder as a fitness competitor, which is how I stumbled upon her podcast. Her podcasts are short, which is nice (I sometimes listen to them when getting ready in the morning). They are heartfelt, and motivational.

#3: How Did This Get Made? How Did This Get Made is hilarious, especially if you are a movie buff. The cast; Jason Mantzoukas (Brooklyn 99, Dirty Grandpa, Neighbors, How to Be Single), June Diane Raphael (Bride Wars, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Zodiac), and her husband, Paul Scheer (Fresh Off the Boat, The League), watch terrible movies and then spend the podcast discussing the movies intricately. The podcast often has live episodes and celebrity special guests, which add additional hilarity.

#4: Punk Assed (a pun cast) I love Dad jokes and puns, so Punk Assed works for me, but, if you don’t enjoy wordplay, it may not work for you. Two award-winning pun brothers (yes, that’s a thing), prepare to compete in the Pun-Off World Championships. Prepare for lots of groaning and laughing out loud.

#5: Stuff You Should Know Stuff You Should Know is pretty much what it sounds like; a podcast about general stuff you should know. However, the podcast makes it very entertaining and interesting and covers everything from action figures and artificial sweeteners to ham radio and historical axe murderers.


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